Music Mix System - Moving Coil Dynamic Microphones

Today I am talking about the pros and cons of moving coil dynamic microphones. When and why would I choose a dynamic mic over a ribbon or condenser. This is not exhaustive, but just a few thoughts and ideas. If you have any questions or knowledge that you want to share feel free to post a comment.

When I started my microphone collection 20 years ago, I became obsessed with moving coil mics mostly because it was what I could afford. I also have a love for older rare dynamics such as the sennheiser BF series and the original Audio Technica ATM Artist series. Dynamics mics tend to also be more application specific compared to condensers which are more all purpose. Check out this video for more information.

Thanks for coming along for the ride. Here’s to learning something new!

Jacob Meador

p.s. If you have a suggestion for a topic that you want me to discuss, please comment below or email: